
Information to help you make better, more informed decisions.

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Join OneGroup’s next 101 Series Webinar! OneGroup President, Chris Mason will lead you through the sometimes confusing world of workers’ compensation, and will provide you with valuable takeaways, including answers...

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2024 Salary Projections Remain High

As companies are trimming staff or leaving positions open, fewer employees are searching for new jobs. While workers still expect significant increases in compensation, the marketplace may no longer demand big bumps to retain workers.

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Developing an Effective Primary Care Strategy

Employees enjoy physical and mental health improvements through preventive care and consistent, coordinated health management. Your organization benefits from a culture of wellness, better employee health and productivity, and reduced medical costs.

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8 Ways to Keep Your Home Safe While You’re on Vacation

You don't want to undo all that relaxation by coming home to discover a break-in, broken pipe or worse! Here are some simple yet important steps you can take to protect your home.

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The Importance of a Safety Data Sheet Program

A well-implemented SDS program is a key component of an organization’s overall workplace safety program, ensuring the well-being of employees, residents, and the environment.

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What is an NEP?

A National Emphasis Program (NEP) is a temporary specific hazard awareness program in which OSHA focuses their resources on.

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Medicare 101 – Making Sense of the A,B,C D’s – Webinar Recap

Whether you are a business owner trying to manage a business, an employee climbing a ladder at work, or an individual driving in a car to a sports game, we face risk every day of our lives.

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Marketers, Publishers, Influencers, Experts: Media Liability Coverage Is a Must

All eyes are on you if you’re in the limelight or managing someone who is. But the definition of “limelight” now extends far beyond movie stars and TV personalities. There are social media influencers, public image consultants, broadcasters, high-profile vloggers and bloggers. They don’t even need to leave their homes to be considered media personalities.

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Prevent or Stop Water Damage Before it Gets Too Far.

Coming home from vacation to a flooded basement or waking up in the morning to two inches of water is not fun, to say the least. What if you could stop the damage while your away or wake up to an alarm and not a water-logged house in the morning?

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OneGroup provides information, research, guidance, and best practices, but does not offer specific legal or tax advice. OneGroup services are not intended to be a substitute for legal or tax advice. Given the changing nature of federal, state and local legislation and the changing nature of court decisions, OneGroup cannot guarantee that the information will not change in the future. It is recommended to seek legal or tax guidance if such guidance is warranted or preferred.