
We protect your organization so that you can protect your patients.

With more than 90 years’ experience working with long-term care facilities, hospitals, medical practices, and health care organizations, OneGroup has unique insight and expertise to help you control the rising cost of insuring your risks. We believe that insurance is the last step in the risk management process, not the first. That’s why we won’t consider offering any product or service until after we have fully analyzed your business operations and objectives. Only then can we deploy the correct consultants, resources, and tools to proactively manage risk and reduce your real costs.

Long-term thinking for long-term care.

OneGroup has a long history of working alongside industry associations and members to find solutions to rising costs – not simply shopping for lower premium rates – earning us a reputation for achieving results. OneGroup offers a comprehensive arsenal of tools to help you meet your business objectives, including:

  • Premium cost reduction audits and Experience Mod reviews
  • Risk management assessments and strategic planning
  • Claim cost containment services
  • Injury management programs
  • Medical bill review and case management
  • Human resources compliance
  • Department of Health compliance
  • Proactive ergonomic management
  • Alternative risk financing analysis
  • OSHA compliance
  • Safety management
  • Contract review
  • Employee education and training
  • Facility security assessments and consulting

We make it easy for you. Save time. Save money.

As a Dentist, Are You Due for an Insurance Checkup?

Whether you operate as a one- or two-person dental practice or employ a large team, you’ll need to work with your insurance professional to design a custom dental insurance policy.

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Medical Malpractice Protections for Physicians

Medical malpractice insurance is professional liability insurance for doctors and other medical professionals. It can be expensive, but it’s your best protection against financial disaster. 

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Protect Yourself Against Unethical Practices in Medicare Insurance Sales

While most Medicare advisors work in the best interest of their clients, there are some tactics to be wary of if you are approached by or working with a Medicare advisor.

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