Life Sciences

Life Sciences are so much more than a business; they are about changing the world.

While you push the edges of biotech, genetic coding, and pharmaceutical innovation, we can help you reduce exposure and protect your laboratories, equipment, and inventory – as well as your intellectual property.

Life Sciences companies are as varied as the world we live in.

This is one critical reason why OneGroup does not issue generic, off-the-shelf insurance policies. Life sciences encompass many fields, from biotechnology to epidemiology to medical device production, and as different as each branch may be, there are some commonalities – and many complexities – that must be considered when creating an insurance policy.

OneGroup works with you and your team to understand the unique requirements of each lab, research center, and manufacturing facility.

We consider ourselves to be part of your advisory team – just as your legal and financial advisors are. We collaborate to ensure that we can effectively customize the policy language to account for any potential exposure, including property loss or damage, loss of intellectual property, potential cyber-breaches, and even product recalls. We are experienced and proven risk managers with the ability to anticipate potential issues. By working together, and combining our experience and knowledge with yours, we can provide customized policies to shield you against today’s risks.

We make it easy for you. Save time. Save money.

What Is Earthquake Insurance?

Did you know every state is at some risk for an earthquake? Although most earthquakes in the United States are small and don’t cause damage, they can be catastrophic.

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Conduct an Effective, Thorough, and Legal Workplace Investigation

While each case is different, it’s important to follow the same framework to ensure that all investigations are fair, thorough and legally compliant.

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Cybersecurity Risks for Water Treatment and Wastewater Facility

Water treatment and sewage processing facilities ensure the public has clean drinking water and sanitary wastewater disposal. These facilities depend on technology to operate, opening them up to cybersecurity risks and liabilities.

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