Risk Management Analytics

Maximizing Insurance Claims Data Helps Minimize Losses

When it comes to insurance claims, can you pinpoint what areas of your business are driving most of your losses? Do you know how many claims you have at a particular location, or if veteran or newer workers are being injured on the job more often? Can you track if your loss-control efforts are effective over time? Or, perhaps you want to know how to best reduce your outstanding reserve dollars?

Management reports and benchmarking

At OneGroup, we can help you maximize your insurance claim data to minimize losses with a host of analytics tools. With data in hand, detailed management reports are available to help decision-makers determine the effectiveness of their commercial insurance programs. Once problems are isolated, you are well on your way to implementing effective solutions that boost workplace safety, reduce injuries and insurance claims and potentially lower your premiums.

Risk Management Analytics

More importantly, managers will now have a clearer picture of their operations in a way they may never have envisioned and answer questions about cost factors that they never before thought possible such as:

  • What specific factors are driving our total claims dollars and counts?
  • Which departments or divisions can serve as models for best practices in resolving claims? How can we best reduce outstanding reserve dollars?
  • What specific loss sources are driving frequency and severity rates?
  • Which specific locations, departments, and loss sources are contributing to high cost claims?
  • Are veteran employees or newer workers being injured more frequently? What type of training is needed for these specific groups of employees?
  • Which locations have the most effective claims reporting practices?
  • Do certain drivers need additional training in safety awareness and defensive driving techniques?

We make it easy for you. That’s why so many people turn to OneGroup for their risk management analytics. Save time. Save money.

What Is Earthquake Insurance?

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Conduct an Effective, Thorough, and Legal Workplace Investigation

While each case is different, it’s important to follow the same framework to ensure that all investigations are fair, thorough and legally compliant.

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