Social Services

Focus on your mission while we focus on your risk.

Most insurance companies consider the social service industry to be of high risk, which can lead to hesitancy when providing coverage for these organizations, particularly in the area of workers’ compensation. At OneGroup, we have the expertise and relationships to provide our social service clients with the affordable protection that they deserve.
The key to our success is that we provide our social service clients with support services that help them manage their risk and meet their service goals.

Our analytics can help you answer these critical questions:

  • How many claims do you have in each of your locations?
  • How can we best reduce outstanding reserve dollars?
  • Are veteran or new workers being injured more often?
  • What training would help reduce claims?
  • How can we hire smarter to reduce future claims?
  • How can we return employees to productive work sooner?
  • Can we recover potential workers’ comp overpayments?
  • Is there an easier way to handle OSHA record keeping?

We make it easy for you. Save time. Save money.

What Is Earthquake Insurance?

Did you know every state is at some risk for an earthquake? Although most earthquakes in the United States are small and don’t cause damage, they can be catastrophic.

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Conduct an Effective, Thorough, and Legal Workplace Investigation

While each case is different, it’s important to follow the same framework to ensure that all investigations are fair, thorough and legally compliant.

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Cybersecurity Risks for Water Treatment and Wastewater Facility

Water treatment and sewage processing facilities ensure the public has clean drinking water and sanitary wastewater disposal. These facilities depend on technology to operate, opening them up to cybersecurity risks and liabilities.

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