Protect Yourself and Your Personal Assets

In an increasingly litigious business environment, professional liability insurance, often called errors and omissions liability insurance or malpractice insurance, is a necessary component to any business’s risk management plan. It protects professionals against claims of negligence, professional fraud, or failing to provide professional services.

As the name implies, professionals are expected to act professionally and to deliver professional results. But sometimes, errors, omissions, or unintentional acts happen and when they do, you want to be sure that all you have worked for is not taken away by a law suit. Professional liability insurance from OneGroup gives you that peace of mind.

Who needs professional liability insurance?

Any professional who has clients or customers should have professional liability insurance to protect his or her personal and business assets. In some circumstances such as when acquiring or starting your business with a business loan, the lender may require professional liability insurance.

We make it easy for you. That’s why so many people turn to OneGroup for their professional liability. Save time. Save money.

As a Dentist, Are You Due for an Insurance Checkup?

Whether you operate as a one- or two-person dental practice or employ a large team, you’ll need to work with your insurance professional to design a custom dental insurance policy.

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Medical Malpractice Protections for Physicians

Medical malpractice insurance is professional liability insurance for doctors and other medical professionals. It can be expensive, but it’s your best protection against financial disaster. 

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